Reporting Expenses


  • Compliance issues, lots of paperwork,late or missing reports
  • Every country/subsidiary has its own requirements
  • Top managers want to delegate own expense reporting to assistants
  • Complex internal rules, difficulties analyzing expense data
  • Consolidation in accounting system


Automated approval process

  • With e-mail notifications
  • Segregation of duties
  • Report approver and report initiator substitution (acting “on behalf of”)

Automated information export to accounting system

  • 1C
  • Oracle-based corporate compliance and control system (“Goldmine”)

A common portal with online reporting forms

  • Available to everyone 24/7
  • With clear and strict, role-based security and access rules
  • Available on mobile devices and smartphones
  • Report forms based on local (country) regulation

Print form

  • Specific views designed for printing
  • Print all with just one click
  • Language-specific and country-specific forms and be designed
  • Some parts of documents can be visible or not depending on employee country and report type

The process

  • Task list can be synchronized with Outlook
  • Automated notifications
  • Summary reminders for non-completed reports or approvals
  • Brief report information in task details
  • Approval from mobile devices
  • Approval delegation

1. Creating a report

2. Approval of the report / purchase

printer, printing, print, device

3. Printing Documents

dollar, bitcoin, currency, money, exchange

4. Exchange of information with accounting software

5. Checking / payment in account


  • Full-featured analytics in Excel
  • Aggregate data by any dimension: employee, report type, expense type
  • Aggregate data by any dimension: employee, report type, expense type
  • Monitor exceptions (excess amounts, business trip durations, approval terms, etc)
  • Analyze spending by employee, subsidiary, event type, guests, companies
  • Automated reports update
  • Simultaneous access to any number of employees